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Consequences of Artificial Intelligence: A Threat or Solution?

consequences of artificial intelligence
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The consequences of artificial intelligence could be progressive or a possible danger to the human civilization

Consequences of Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence may prove itself as ‘The Pandora’s box’ of the new age. A probable threat for countries which are too reliant on new age technology; even the entire world at large.

“AI will be the best or worst thing ever for humanity,” says the billionaire entrepreneur, Elon Musk via Twitter on Tuesday, 29th August.

He also recommends a book on the subject: “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” by MIT professor Max Tegmark. Musk says the book is “worth reading.” The book gives insight into a future with artificial intelligence that Musk has been warning the world about.

Musk says that AI poses “vastly more risk than North Korea,” according to a comment made in August. He calls artificial intelligence a “fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,” speaking to a gathering of governors in July.

Artificial intelligence experts predict that it would be at least 20 years before a computer could beat a human playing Go, a strategy game that is more complex than chess. The consequences of Artificial Intelligence are beyond imagination. It could prove a bane or boon to humanity.

consequences of artificial intelligence
Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk (R) answers questions during the National Governors Association Summer Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.

Elon Musk is certain that robots will be able to do your job better than you.

“There certainly will be job disruption. Because what’s going to happen is robots will be able to do everything better than us. … I mean all of us,” says Musk, speaking to the National Governors Association.

“Yeah, I am not sure exactly what to do about this. This is really the scariest problem to me, I will tell you.”

consequences of artificial intelligence

Others have chastised Musk about his predictions. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls such severe warnings “pretty irresponsible.” However, it is certain that in the years to come; social media giants will have control over the content preferences that they choose for us which could alter our personal opinions about important issues, worldwide and personal.

Musk also supports government regulation of artificial intelligence, saying the government should be “proactive in regulation,” not reactive.

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